PTWC#4-Write Enticing Subheads for Your List Points

Dave Rosenthal
2 min readMar 3, 2021

Don’t be afraid of charging travel agent fees: 7 ways to overcome it forever — or -

Why charging a travel agent fee will make your clients love you and MORE — really!

1. Your customers will love and respect you even more

  • Do you generally have a respectful relationships with your doctor? dentist? lawyer? Think about it! Charging a fee will make your clients feel like they’re in a more respectful relationship with you. Deliver more than they expect and they’ll love you.

2. You’ll respect yourself even more

  • Continuing on from the point above, as your clients gain more respect for you, you’ll come to respect yourself and your time more.

3. Your prospects are less likely to ghost you

  • Remember, we’re getting into a more professional relationship with our prospects. As you’ve charged a fee, they’re less likely to ghost you. And if they do, well, you’ve got some money coming in. Maybe not as much as the commissions for a trip but enough to cover your time if you price your fee properly.

4. You’ll earn more money and sooner in the travel process

  • We’ve all been through the long quote-to-cash cycle in our industry. Imagine how great you’ll feel with some money on the way PRIOR to starting all of your heavy research and itinerary planning work.

5. You will give yourself Better differentiation as a travel agent

at least you’ll be perceived as different. So many travel agents don’t charge fees. So, why can’t you charge fees? You’ll at least look different. In many cases, you will also look more professional per the points from the top of this list!

6. Your suppliers may take your custom quote requests more seriously

  • Ever contact a supplier for a ten person custom trip to Europe? Disney? I frequently tell my suppliers that I’ve charged a planning fee upfront to signal that I respect my suppliers’ time and inventory.

7. You’ll Know how to qualify prospects better and faster

*that means use your time more productively. This is one of the biggies for charging fees, you’re learning how to deal with those time sucking tire-kickers. The more a prospect is receptive to your planning fee, the more likely they are to book their trip with you!



Dave Rosenthal

Dedicated to customer success via an obsessive client focus whether via sales, account management, customer support, or writing for telecom,IT, or Travel.